Friday, July 28, 2006

What a Bum

Well I am officially an unemployed bum again (as Neil always likes to call me). My fixed term came to an end on Wednesday, and it was a hard decision but I decided not to take on another fixed term and it would be best for me to spread my wings a bit more. So... on the job hunt again - one of the worst things to have do to - the searching, the phone calls, the interviews, the waiting etc. etc. *argh*.
Anyway, we're about to embark on our big trip so I'll have to allow myself to de-stress for that. I will try not to worry about anything until I come back. All I'm going to do is eat, drink and be merry! And perhaps some sight-seeing in between.

Saturday, July 15, 2006

"Rise of Robert" Returns

The Rise of Robert [link to YouTube website] clip has a new home and is available once more.

Friday, July 14, 2006

Rise of Robert

Does your family know that you're possessed Robert?

[sorry folks, angelfire didn't like the movie and closed the site down after a day... not sure why, maybe they found Robert offensive]

Remember the Good Ol' Times

Some of you may remember back when digital cameras were big, black and plastic, and alcopops were favoured over beer and wine, I had a website that was dedicated to capturing all of our fool-hardy moments. The Picture Gallery is still up and running, although some pages may no longer work (that may be due to the fact that I used to get too much traffic to the pages and they didn't like it that I didn't have to pay anything...). Unfortunately, the Shame page is one of those not working anymore.

Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Winter Blues

The Wellington wind broke my umbrella today :[