Thursday, November 16, 2006

How bizarre

Our office was burgled last night! What a strange thing to happen seeing as the building is supposed to be secure and we're on the 10th floor. Appears that there are no signs of forced entry and no other floors are affected so it's all a bit fishy. Also, the buggers were very selective as they only took the newest of our laptops, plus some cash. They may even be a bit a slow as they decided to steal the handful of coins off someone's desk but only after emptying it out of the zip-lock bag and leaving the bag behind. So that's off to the labs for some finger-printing. What's also funny is that only the notes from the petty cash box were taken and not the coins.

It was all quite exciting though having the police investigating the scene and asking questions etc. Hope they get the b*stards.

In other news, Neil's building had to be evacuated because there was a gas leak. At least we didn't have to stand outside in the rain in our case.

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Something from the archives

This was Halloween a few years back. Neil immediately thought of this when he heard Carly needed glasses! I'm sure hers are much nicer though :)

Friday, November 03, 2006


Waking up at an ungodly 5:30am today has left me feeling like I'm in constant need of a coffee. Too bad I don't really like coffee (unless it's accompanied by a sweet treat). Today was the Standards New Zealand annual forum - a chance to recap the the year with SNZ stakeholders and thank those who've made a difference. For me, it was to learn a little more about what SNZ is all about - the free breakfast and memory stick were only *small* incentives to attend :)