Monday, September 05, 2005

Consumers Beware #1: KFC Nuggets

Spending endless hours driving around and attending open homes on Sundays has more drawbacks than just paying $40 and only getting 26 litres of petrol. You get hungry - and that usually means fast food... and today I succombed to the lure of the new KFC chicken nuggets. Mainly because I had been wondering for so long as to why they didn't do them - and I have a thing for being a chicken-nugget critic.
Ok, so we all know that chicken nuggets in general are going to include the processed bits of the chicken that they can't give a label to if they wanted to sell it as meat. However, when you claim something is 100% chicken breast then one would expect it to be 100% chicken breast. So then why are these new chicken nuggets at KFC so spongey and soft? If you want to break it down, it may be fair to say that they are constituted by the following: 50% chicken, 40% spongey white matter (perhaps the coagulated run-offs of the chicken meat...?) and 10% air. Might be a good recipe for a type of chicken souffle dish but where's this 100% chicken breast they're talking about? Maybe they were meaning that the portion of meat that is actually there is 100% chicken breast (which can explain the absence of the grey-brown stuff that can usually be found distributed in many other nuggets - beats the segments of arterial tubing that you find in sausages though)? Maybe seeing as most businesses like to aim for 110% that 100% means something slightly different today? Who knows. It still tasted good, I admit, and I can confidently say that was due to good ol' flavour enhancer 621 - what a life-saver. High ratings for the taste, low ratings for the respectively low level of chicken breast. Maybe wash it down with some beer, like Timmeh Tater here, and move on.


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